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buckyballs Aimants – The Amazing Desktoy magnétique Vous ne pouvez pas mettre bas! Le meilleur jouet de construction à billes magnétiques. Buckyballs composé par 216 de fortes perles aimant néodyme, est un grand soulagement du stress Jouets Bureau et célèbre dans le monde. Obtenez aimants original buckyballs de

Buckyballs toy, also known as neocube, is a set of small, spherical magnets that can be arranged and rearranged into different shapes and designs. Each magnet is made up of rare earth elements, and is powerful enough to hold together even when forming complex structures.

Buckyballs are popular for their versatility and flexibility, as they can be manipulated into an almost endless array of shapes and patterns. They can be used for stress relief, la créativité, or even as a desktop decoration.