Kategoriarkiv: DIY Magnet Applications

Have you ever thought an everyday item or object could benefit from a magnet? Our customers certainly have. Be inspired by our unique range of DIY Magnet applications.

Kreative Buckyballs former for deg

You saw the creations of the awesome Buckyballs Magnet building Toy and the waythey magically snap together in symmetrical and patterned shapes, og vri dem, snu dem, combine them in new ways for truly imaginative desktop creations. Lag dine kreative Buckyballs -former med disse supersterke neodymmagnetiske ballene. Having more than one set is nice because […]

Block and Disc Magnets Great for Organizing Cables

Cables from different mobile devices such as tablets, powerbank, smart phones, fitness tracker etc. can quickly mess up a otherwise neat table or get into a frustrating tangle. Our customer Emily shared this photo of how she used NdFeB Round and disc neodymium magnets to organize her gadgets cables. Some USB and Micro USB cables tips […]

Sfæremagneter Baggu

Sphere Magnets Baggu Another interesting object created using only sphere magnets from our very creative user Wendy – A Magnetic Baggu! What I found interesting is the flap of this baggu can be opened and closed just like a regular bag. I wonder what’s inside the baggu. ???? Sorry folks, we do not have the exact steps […]

Pot Neodymium Magnet for Holding Motorsykkel Tank Bag

Motorsykkelvesker, fin pose med magnetiske klaffer designet for å feste på en motorsykkel tank. Ryddig og rask måte å sikre vesken uten stropper, fungerer bra når posen er tom eller lett lastet. Pack in more stuff and most riders realized that the bags original magnets aren’t as strong and secure as they […]

Fest ødelagt klimaanleggsdeksel med magneter

Fix Broken Air-conditioner Cover with Magnets Fix broken air-conditioner cover with magnets. I’ve seen it numerous times, missing air-conditioner cover, cover duct taped to to the blower unit, using a twisted wire to hold the cover in place, slanted ill fitting air-conditioner covers (no repair attempted, just hanging there with the remaining hinge)… These are […]

Magneter i Costume Design

We regularly receive calls and emails from customers who are looking to use magnets for producing costumes. They offer actors and artists the ability to remove components of clothing quickly, easily and without any nasty Velcro noise! We were pleased when our customer, Adrian, told us that he wanted to send photographs of his Halloween […]

Toppen 10 Bruk for neodymmagneter

Neodymium magnets are incredibly diverse and you can find them across many industries. Here are the 11 most common places we see then. Magnets are everywhere around you, giving helping hand to thousand of items in your everyday life. How many of these do you use? 1. Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRIs are medical imaging devices […]

Examples of applications using Neodymium Magnets

Computer Hard Drive Magnets Microphones Headphones Dentures Loudspeakers Magnetic Pump Couplings Door Catches Magnetic Suspension Motors (f.eks. washing machines, drills, food mixers, vacuum cleaners, hand dryers) Generators (f.eks. Wind turbines, Wave Power, Turbo Generators, etc) Sensors Orthopaedics Halbach Arrays Jewellery Healthcare MRI and NMR Magnetic Separators TWT (Transverse Wave Tube) Magnetic Bearings Lifting Apparatus Limpet […]

3D Imaging Magneter

3D Laser scanning is becoming increasingly popular as a fast method for gathering 3D digital data for any given object. Placing small reflectors onto any object and then scanning It using a 3D laser can allow you to build a complete digital 3D model of that object. David, from CADMAN recently contacted us to tell […]

Montering av en magnetisk festbart frontplaten

Montering av en magnetisk festbart frontplaten

Hvis du har satt mye tid og krefter på montering på badet, vil du ha utvilsomt ansett som en passende dekorative bad-panelet til å dekke skjemmende tomrommet under badekaret. Ingen ønsker å se stygge skruehodene holder et panel på plass, og hva mer, hvis kar springer lekk vil det ta […]

Create a compact magnetic knife rack for a caravan or campervan


Magnetic knife racks are just as useful in a caravan or campervan as they are in your kitchen. When space is at a premium, magnets can be used to create bespoke solutions to fit any area. When Sue from Bedfordshire approached us with her dilemma we were only too happy help. Sue, an avid cararvan’er […]